Essential Stones

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Today, the feast of Sts. Simon and Jude, is all about the apostles.

Working backward from the Gospel passage, the message is something like this: 1) (Gospel) Jesus personally called each of the twelve apostles; 2) (Psalm) As a result of the apostles fulfilling their mission, the message of the Gospel went out to all the earth; and 3) (First reading) As such, the apostles form the foundation of the “building” which is the Church; Jesus Himself is the capstone that holds everything together, and each of us is an essential “stone” in the building.

When they were called, the apostles–later the foundation of the Church itself, bringing Christ’s message to the ends of the earth–were ordinary people, just like us. Perhaps even more “ordinary”! Even once they had received their call and were walking with Jesus, they didn’t feel particularly extraordinary. in the end, it was the Holy Spirit Himself who ensured that their extraordinary mission was fulfilled.

So why are we so often trying to find a way to carry out an extraordinary mission ourselves? Why do we look outside our own personal vocation for what is extraordinary? All we need to do to ensure that the mission God has entrusted to us, which is critical since we are essential stones in the “building” of the Church, is to do what the apostles did: Stay connected to Jesus. It is He who will send us the Holy Spirit. And it is the Holy Spirit who will ensure that our mission, which is far above our own abilities, is fulfilled.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Talk to Jesus about your personal mission within His Church. “Read it back to Him” in your own words, and ask Him to enlighten you if your read of it needs some correction or education. Then, entrust that mission to Him. Ask Him to send His Holy Spirit in power to ensure that you drink the chalice entrusted to you to the last drop, and that your mission for the salvation of your fellow humans is fulfilled.

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