Violent Transition

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

As the liturgical year ends, Scripture once again confronts us–virtually assails us–with what the end of this annual period symbolizes, that is, the end of the world and of time.

Revelation today paints a beautiful, but also powerful and striking picture. From the throne of God flows the river of life, with the tree of life on either side, bearing fruit twelve times each year.

The image is that of Christ’s Church come to full maturity in eternity. As the passage states, “Nothing accursed will be found anymore.” This is beautiful and yet “terrible,” in the sense of awe-inspiring and fearsome–for those who cling to that which is tainted will be wiped out, in a place of torment, as preceding days’ passages from Revelation have shown.

The symbol also stretches to the Christian Church here on earth, however, as an imperfect precursor to the heavenly Church. Here too, the river of life-giving water flows from the throne of God to His people through the Church. The twelvefold-fruitful tree of life, symbolizing the Church founded firmly on the twelve apostles, provides life through its sacraments–sustenance through its fruit, and medicine through its leaves–until we come to take part in the fully transformed, heavenly Church.

The transformation process in the end times, to reach this beautiful state, will be produced through great travail, like the birth of a beautiful baby. In the Gospel passage today, Jesus says that that last days arrival will “assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth.”

The earth, for all its human conflicts, lives for now in an uneasy peace with God. That will not always be the case. The current compromised state of humankind and of our broken world will come to an end, and we will be wise to be ready through a vigilant and wakeful commitment to the teachings of Jesus.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to give you the courage to live with the fragile transience of the world always in mind, without, however, ever despairing or growing impatient. Ask Him for unfailing, vibrant hope in His victory, which will bring grandeur and beauty like you have never seen. Ask Him also for the gift of trusting that He will keep you in His grace if you persistently ask Him to.

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