
This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

In today’s first reading, St. John tells us that “God sent his only-begotten Son into the world so that we might have life through him.”

Perhaps sometimes we think of this life that Jesus brings as a simple static state; we were dead, now we are alive.

But in today’s gospel, we see a symbol of the sort of life Jesus brings. It is not a one-time flick of a switch. It is a constant, super-abundant outpouring onto us of His love, His grace, and happiness.

So it was that Jesus, who had brought life to the people in today’s gospel through His rich teaching, went on to pour out upon them essentially infinite sustenance for their bodies as well, in the form of a limitless distribution of bread and fish.

And His promise to us: “Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap.”

Per the unanimous agreement of the saints who have experienced intimate dialogue with Jesus, nothing is more frustrating to Him than our habit of putting artificial limits on the richness of the life He brings, through our lack of trust.

In our prayer life, we should be daring with the grace of sanctity and happiness that we ask of Him, both for ourselves and for our loved ones.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to make His dreams for you, not yours, come true. Tell Him that you want no limits to the gifts He gives you. In spite of all the disappointing realities, and suffering, and insufficiencies in the world, tell Him that you trust Him to fill your life with good things, to overflowing.

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