Flash of Light

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

How envious we may feel of the early communities visited by St. Paul, who benefitted from such a holy and zealous apostle, an apostle who spoke the truth fearlessly, without inhibitions.

We can also feel envious of Paul himself, who so fully embodied Jesus’ instruction in today’s gospel: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” Perhaps we wish we were as courageous, direct, and uninhibited as Paul.

But today’s first reading helps us remember that Paul wasn’t always Paul. He was Saul the persecutor of Christians, until Jesus Himself took initiative in his life and completely turned it around. It is Jesus’ action in his life, not his own action, that defines Paul.

We are called to evangelize, to tell the world about Jesus. We can feel like we’re not carrying our weight in this regard, and we may be right. But the solution is not to begin parroting the actions of St. Paul. The solution is to beg Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to take hold of our lives and fill us with the wisdom and boldness to proclaim the Gospel to every creature. Only through their action will we become the sort of apostles we would like to be.

Then, we can pray also that God send more and more apostles like Paul into this jaded world of ours, to bring souls back to Him.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Confidently, without shame, ask Jesus to make you a better apostle. Ask Him to fill you so completely with His joy and with love for Him that you feel truly and deeply compelled to share Him further, like St. Paul.

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