From Ashes to Exuberance

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Repentance–the theme of today’s readings–is not in fashion. Not even in Christian circles.

People come to Church to feel better about themselves. And, as congregations gradually diminish, pastors scramble to meet this need.

The entire topic of salvation, therefore, is also at an all-time low in popularity in the Church. Often, it does not even come up, because the topic itself implies a risk of not being saved. When it does arise, the context is often the assumption that, because God is merciful, most people reach heaven because down deep they are “good.”

The truth is, as we see in today’s readings, while God’s unconditional love is a true and lasting foundation for personal security, part of His love is His demand that we be the best that we can be. And the Church teaches that eternal salvation depends on our embracing that demand and striving to meet it, by means of the all-powerful grace that Jesus won for us on the Cross.

Repentance appears to contrast with joy, and with personal security. On the contrary, full acceptance of ourselves in the reality of what we are as sinners, without excuses or cheap escapes, forms part of the very basis of personal security. The other part is the knowledge that the omnipotent God is investing all His resources, including great personal sacrifice, to bring us up out of sin and into the relationship of His love. We can’t do it; He can.

The quest for salvation through transformation in grace is what makes Christianity exciting, breathtaking, full of hope. The knowledge that through prayer and offered sacrifice we can “stack the deck” for others to reach their salvation in Christ is immensely consoling.

A life lived in a spirit of repentance is a life lived joyfully, courageously, realistically, and filled with hope.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Tell the Lord about some of your sins, and how you repent of them; tell Him how hard it is to avoid them. Full of absolute trust, ask Him to take charge of the process of your repentance and transformation; lovingly place your life, your future, and your eternal salvation in His hands.

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