Restrained Power

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Today’s readings are full of wonder.

In the first reading, Peter and John have just healed a crippled man. The scene reminds us of what might happen in our own time if a known cripple suddenly were healed in the sight of all. Rightly, everyone is amazed and wants to understand more. Peter explains how he and John did not heal of their own initiative and power, but by God’s action, and then proceeds to call them all to repentance and belief in the risen Christ.

In today’s gospel, we see the risen Christ in a mysterious and beautiful mode–he eats some fish in front of his disciples, after having appeared without explanation in their midst. He is both part of the physical world, and also utterly unfettered by its limitations.

If we put these two readings together and contemplate with wonder the mysteries of divine power that unfold, we may well proclaim today’s psalm: ” O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth!”

There are signs here of an incredible, unlimited power on the part of the risen Christ in these readings. And yet, He uses that power in a subtle way. He does not overwhelm, but just provides a taste and an invitation–much as He does today, in our own hearts.

He is not looking to enforce; He is looking to open a door, and entice human freedom to walk through it, while changing our natural surroundings as little as possible. He even leaves the natural effects of original sin, that is, our fallen nature and the brokenness of the natural world, in place in respect for that freedom.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Tell Jesus that you believe in Him and trust in Him, the risen Lord, with all your heart, even though He does not choose to use His power yet for the full restoration of the world. Ask Him to bring His power completely to bear in you, however, to sanctify you and empower you to assist in His work of salvation.

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