Boat on the Waves

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The little boat of our lives bounces and pitches on the waves of the world’s storms of rebellion against God. The storms include actual rebellion among men and women, disguised as self-reliant responsibility for the welfare of all people and the earth itself (along with license to arbitrate that welfare, and set our own moral rules); and the rebellion of nature itself, tainted by the impact of original sin.

Jesus draws near to us on these waves of rebellion, but we are still afraid.

And then, presto, before we know it, He has transported us to our destination. This life is over, and He has taken us into the brand new life that is eternity.

Will we look back at our time on the water, and suddenly realize how brief was our little sojourn in the boat? That perhaps in our fear, we missed an opportunity to give our crossing with all our hearts to Jesus for Him to leverage it for others, full of unconditional trust?

Perhaps we think that if we make this gift, every day, the storm will automatically abate. Or, that our lives will look like the first days of the Church as depicted in today’s first reading, and that our words will lead people to flock to Jesus in droves. We may expect our lives to look and feel dramatically different. If this does not occur, we may hesitate or falter.

But in reality, a life given to Jesus may appear at times to bear no fruit. Ultimately, He is using our gift as the opening of a door to walk in and operate in the hearts of people, people whom we might not even know.

At one point in the Gospel, Jesus compares a life lived for Him to setting one’s hand to the plow and not looking back (cf. Lk. 9:62). Elsewhere, in the parable of the sower, he talks about rich soil as that which “bears fruit through perseverance.” (cf. Lk. 8:15)

The giving of our life to Jesus brings great joy, but it may not make our lives easier, more pleasant, or–importantly–give us the constant sensation of fruitfulness and effectiveness. But if we persevere in trust, He will ultimately bring us, in a blink of an eye, to the safe shore of eternity–and there we will see the fruit which, in Him, our gift has borne.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Entrust the boat of your life, and the journey it is on, into the hands of Jesus Christ, full of trust that He will bring you without delay to safe shores.

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