
This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

As we contemplate the serene glory of the risen Christ depicted in today’s gospel, our hearts are filled with joy and praise; still, we cannot be without a certain wistfulness at the fact that much of the world turned its back on Jesus then, and continues to turn its back on Him now.

As the disciples describe in plain language in the first reading how God has glorified the same Jesus whom his hearers had crucified, he holds out a ray of hope to them: “Now I know, brothers, that you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did.” His words harken back to those of Jesus Himself on the Cross: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Lk. 23:34)

The disciples, lending precision to Jesus’ words, specify that the leaders of the people–Jesus’ bitter, envious enemies–themselves were ignorant of what they were doing.

Shall we interpret from Jesus’ words, and those of the disciples, that all sin is automatically forgiven, since we are all at least partially ignorant of the gravity of offending God?

The disciples were not telling the people that they need not repent or turn their hearts to Jesus; just giving them hope that, since their act did not involve perfect awareness, it was forgivable. This, for example, in contrast to the sin of Satan, which was definitive, fully conscious, and not subject to repentance.

On the Cross, Jesus made an appeal for the forgiveness of His enemies–and by extension, all of us. He begged His Father to allow for our repentance because, ironically, of the imperfection of our sin.

Jesus’ appeal to our ignorance is not an invitation to presumption of salvation, but an invitation to repentance. Let us not fail to jump through the window He has opened for us.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Tell Jesus that you do not see the mindlessness of your sins as an excuse; thank Him for using it as an opportunity to allow for your repentance, and tell Him joyfully that you are sorry with all your heart for your sins. Pray, as He did, for the repentance of sinners throughout the world.

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