Chariot Chat

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

In the first reading, the Holy Spirit prompted Philip to talk to the Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot; he explained Scripture to him, and the eunuch was baptized. Then, the same Holy Spirit removed Philip mysteriously from the presence of the eunuch.

Sometimes, we may think that we are devoid of the Holy Spirit, if He doesn’t prompt such semi-miraculous marvels in us.

But we must remember, the Spirit will prompt us according to the vocation to which God has called us, often with nudges rather than pushes. Often, when faced with a situation and seeking guidance, all we need to is incline an ear in His direction, and He will provide us with a path. The path may not appear miraculous, but in a sense, it may be said the the Spirit’s promptings within the human soul are always by definition miraculous.

But how do we increase the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in our hearts?

Jesus gives us the sure means in today’s gospel: “The bread that I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world.” To increase the life of the Holy Spirit within us, we need not seek extraordinary means–persevering participation in the sacraments and in contemplative prayer will build that life slowly, almost imperceptibly, over time.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to help you in your perseverance, particularly in frequent reception of the sacraments and daily contemplative prayer. Ask Him for the gift of His Holy Spirit, and tell Him that you trust Him always to provide you the guidance you need through the Spirit.

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