Good Choice

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Simon Peter appears in today’s gospel, as well as in today’s first reading.

In the Gospel, when Jesus’ teaching becomes very difficult to understand and maybe even a bit disturbing, Peter makes the decision that few others make: He stays with Jesus, not because he understands the teaching, but because He believes in Jesus. He has seen enough to become permanently convinced.

It took Jesus’ death and Resurrection, as well as the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, to bear out Peter’s decision, but it is fully borne out in today’s first reading. We see him heal a man who had been paralyzed for eight years, as well as a fellow disciple. Jesus’ life and power have come to maturity in him.

We don’t choose Jesus to see immediate signs and wonders in our lives; we choose Him because we believe in Him. The gifts that He will bring–we let Him bring those as He sees fit, in His own time. But bring them He will, in response to our unconditional “yes” to Him, like Peter’s.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to give you a heart like St. Peter’s which, through the thick and thin of suffering, disappointment, and even personal weakness and sin, chose Jesus forever, and wound up reaping the fruit of that choice.

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