Fruits of the Spirit

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of peace, and the Spirit of courage. It is not that there is no such thing as mere human peace, or mere human courage. But the Holy Spirit’s peace and courage are as far above mere human peace and courage as God is above the creature.

In today’s gospel, one would think Jesus would take heart and draw encouragement from a group of disciples who seem to finally get it–they finally understand His message, and they want Him to know it.

But Jesus sees far beyond the momentary satisfaction such a confession can bring, and speaks out of concern, not for Himself, but for them. He lets them know that in spite of their current certainty, they will scatter when He is captured; but when that time comes, instead of wilting in shame, He wants them to take heart. He wants them to be at peace, because although they suffer turmoil while here below, He in the end has the victory: “I have conquered the world.”

The Holy Spirit dwelling in us keeps our spirits steady and at peace, even when our emotions are overwrought in turmoil, with this knowledge of Jesus’ final victory.

And He is also the Spirit of courage. When the disciples Paul encounters in the first reading finally have the opportunity to receive the Holy Spirit, the change is immediate and noticeable. They immediately begin speaking in tongues and prophesying. But perhaps the greatest manifestation of the Spirit in this reading is that of Paul himself, who preaches and debates in the synagogue with zero fear, proclaiming the Kingdom of God.

If we have the Holy Spirit, we have everything. Even if poor, we are rich.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to pour out His Spirit upon you, not to protect you from the profoundly trying ups and downs of the world–like those experienced by the first disciples–but to fill you with His peace and courage to remain faithful in the midst of them. For Christ has conquered the world.

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