Fruit in Grace

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

In today’s first reading, we see how Paul, a murderous persecutor of Christians, received through no merit of his own the grace of conversion, ultimately to become the great Apostle to the Gentiles.

If God granted such a grace to a brutal persecutor, what graces will He not give to you, if you give your life to Him daily and beg Him for the gifts of faithfulness and fruitfulness? Sometimes we do not feel particularly passionate for the Gospel, or fruitful for the Kingdom of God. But if our daily gift to Him is sincere, we can trust that He will use it for His Church–even if we do not become itinerant preachers, as Paul did.

Jesus provides for us the clincher of fruitfulness in today’s gospel: If we eat His Flesh and drink His blood, we will have His life within us, and enlivened with that life, by His power our fruitfulness for the mission of the Gospel is guaranteed.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to help you to perceive your worth and value, not according to the measures of the world or of other people, but by the measure of faith, gift, and eternity–which was the measure of His own life, and that of His mother.

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