
This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The spread of Christianity in the early Church was messy. Paul and Barnabas were in the midst of spreading to the new Gentile Christians the happy news that they didn’t need to be circumcised–but then, Paul orders his new companion Timothy circumcised so as not to upset the Jews. Also, while it is beautiful that they are led very directly and explicitly by the Holy Spirit, that Spirit is not leading them into every place to preach, at least not yet–according to the first reading, He explicitly directs them away from certain places.

Even after Jesus’ Resurrection, even after Pentecost, the world is a dangerous place for Christianity; the pervasive culture is against the Gospel. Then, and now. It is tough to navigate.

As Jesus explains it in today’s gospel: “Because you do not belong to the world,
and I have chosen you out of the world, the world hates you.”

The Church teaches us clearly and explicitly in its social doctrine that as Catholics, we are called to make the world as just a place as we possibly can, bringing the principles of the Gospel into public life.

We can point to times in history when this effort has enjoyed some degree of success. There are kings and queens who have been saints…and in the Western world, we have enjoyed for many years the freedom to practice our faith.

But we should not be surprised, much less discouraged, when the world hates Christianity and all it stands for, and us by extension. This fact sits squarely within God’s providential plan. He knew it, planned for it: That the world by and large would reject Him until the end of time. In the midst of this hatred, though, He calls His chosen ones to Himself.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus for patience and serenity in the midst of this inimical world, which in its majority rejects His teaching. Tell Him you give Him your whole life and your whole self, that He may leverage you to help with the salvation of His chosen ones.

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