Triangulated Love

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The richness of today’s readings, in terms of sheer revelation of God to us, is perhaps without peer in the liturgical cycle.

In the first reading we have God intervening, making a people His own, speaking to His people from within the fire, acting on their behalf to bring them out of slavery, acting among His people in a manner unprecedented in all of history.

In the second reading, we have the Spirit of God bursting into the hearts of the faithful ones, turning them into the very sons and daughters of God, adopting them into the Divinity to the point that they cry out to God, “Abba, Father!”.

And in today’s gospel, Jesus promises that He, the Son of God Most High, even after He ascends to heaven, will remain with them until the end of the ages.

These readings are not just a revelation of God; they are in the same breath a revelation of the steadfastness and, one may say, intensity of His commitment to us. We are His people, and He will take care of us; we are His children, and He will remain with us. We must remember that, in the midst of this apparently random world, His care for each of us is incredibly attentive and personal.

As today’s psalm says, “Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.”

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Tell Jesus that union with the Blessed Trinity, your destiny, is all you want, despite the attraction of so many other things in the world. As Him to send you His Spirit, to make you and adopted child of the Most High. And to remain with you always, until the end of the age.

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