Mighty Cedar

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Today’s readings are all about the plantings of the Lord, which grow mighty and stand steadfast, providing shelter and shade to many.

In the second reading, St. Paul speaks about how those who remain steadfast in the Lord live in their bodies on earth as in exile, away from home; and how leaving our bodies will paradoxically bring us home.

So often, we believe that the Christian life is God challenging us to lift ourselves up by our bootstraps and reach the goals He has set out for us. But we see in today’s readings that in God’s eyes, the Christian life is He Himself tending the planting of His Kingdom in the willing soul, and bringing it to a mighty place of maturity and fruitfulness.

It is true that, as the Kingdom of God grows mightily within us, it remains subtle, and exiled as we are in our bodies, we may not always perceive its advance. We may become disheartened as the challenges of our circumstances and our own sinfulness overwhelm us, like the storm that frightened Jesus’ disciples (cf. Mk. 4:35-41). But today’s readings give us great hope: Imperceptible as it may be, the Kingdom of God within us is mighty, firm, reliable once we have lent ourselves to the great Gardener to cultivate it within us.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to take over your spiritual growth, and overcome the lethargy and distraction that often fills your soul. Ask Him to make your spiritual strength depend on His action, not yours, and to provide His grace for you always to give Him your willing “yes.”

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