Every Sparrow

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

“Blessed are the People the Lord has chosen to be His own.” The psalm neatly sums up the readings from today.

In the first reading, St. Paul tells us that we were chosen, destined to exist for the praise of God’s glory.

Jesus warns us in the gospel not to fear those who can kill the body, but rather Him who, after killing, has the power to cast into Gehenna.

We should possess a respectful fear of God as the great Master of the Plan, he who foresaw the eternal destiny of each choice of free will and enforces the consequences of those choices.

But then, in accord with St. Paul’s message, Jesus reassures us that God has counted every hair on our heads, that he knows what happens to every sparrow, and we are worth more than many sparrows.

If we are leaning on God, and humbly seeking His will, He will act in His Providence. We have nothing to fear, zero. He will so craft the realities of our life in support of our choice for Him that we not only do not lose Him, but that every circumstance that befalls us–easy or difficult, intelligible or mysterious–reinforces our destiny to exist for the praise of His glory.

Blessed be God, who gives us not only all we need, but curates our lives with overflowing generosity, from this world into eternity!

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to take over your life and guide it, curate it, with the overwhelming hand of His Providence and benevolence. Ask Him to help you to trust in Him unconditionally, and to detach you from everything aside from His will, everything, the loss of which could cause you bitterness. Lean on Him with all your weight.

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