Outfielder’s Mitt

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Advent is a time when we await the coming of the Lord. Many of the readings in this season offer a beautiful, consoling picture of the Messiah bringing joy and fruitfulness back to our lives–it is a season full of joyful hope as we, who still feel the darkling impact of original sin in our lives, look forward to and pray for a new irruption of Christ’s grace into our reality as we celebrate Christmas.

But Advent, not unlike Lent, is also a time for penance. The first reading provides a hint as to why: “I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should go.” In order to benefit fully from what Jesus brings us at Christmas, we need to wrench our lives onto His path. We need to align our choices with His choice to redeem us.

The Gospel shows us a sad vignette of what happens when we fail to work this alignment: “We played the flute for you, but you did not dance, we sang a dirge but you did not mourn.” The aligning of our lives to God’s will is not about earning our salvation. It is more like an outfielder’s aligning of his mitt to be ready to catch the ball, which has been struck with an almighty force in his direction.

This aligning action–the ascetic sacrifice of our inclinations to laziness, pride, sensuality, anger, etc.–is laborious, but not so laborious that it distracts from our hope. Jesus is coming. He is going to work a miracle with us that far exceeds the mere fruits of our humble ascetic action.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to open your eyes and help you identify the areas where you need to align your life more to Him. Ask Him earnestly to give you the Holy Spirit and wake you up, where necessary, to avoid the pitfall of error and misalignment in your life. And tell Him that you trust Him, that the prize that He is far exceeds the labor involved in following Him.

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