Sharper than Any Sword

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

As today’s reading from the letter to the Hebrews states, the word of God penetrates right through us, right between our soul and our spirit, right between our joints and marrow, as it were, with to discern with piercing clarity the thoughts of the human heart.

The word of God penetrates with its wisdom; and the Word of God penetrates with His Holy Spirit of wisdom. We see over and over again, as in today’s Gospel passage, how Jesus penetrates into the hearts of the “sinful” outcasts of His time and offers them salvation which, because of their awareness of their misery and desire for something better, they readily accept. He also penetrates the hearts of the hypocritical leaders of His time, seeing how their apparently innocent and curious questions mask evil intent.

Perhaps we do not think enough about the wonderful gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. With these, we can have the same piercing discernment. We can gain the strength and perseverance necessary to go through anything for Christ, up to and including martyrdom. We can gain the insight to provide just the right piece of saving advice to those in need of it.

“The word of God is living and active.” The Holy Spirit is living and active, and if we ask the Incarnate Word to give us a full dose of His Spirit, our prayer will not go unanswered.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: In calling us to salvation, Jesus calls us to be new persons–to radical transformation. It is this transformation that many tragically decline to embrace. But salvation does not come without it. And the crowning of that transformation here on earth is the deep infusion of the soul with the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus insistently for the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ask Him to purify you however is needed to prayer your soul for these gifts.

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