Rain is for Everyone

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Jesus uses a beautiful comparison when He commands us to love those who are unjust, to love our enemies. He tells us that this will make us children of the Heavenly Father, for “he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.”

We must love the unjust and do good to them. But how do we do this good? First, we beg that same Heavenly Father, not just to send rain upon them, but also to rain extra grace into their hearts, that they may learn how beautiful that thing is that they are missing–union with God–and strive for it. A choice time to do this is when Christ’s body and blood are raised up in offering for sin to the Father at the consecration at Mass. Pray fervently to the Father at this time. Show Him His Son, and ask that by the infinite power of that Son’s sacrifice, the Father visit the hearts of sinners and convert them. He will do so if we ask, just as He answers the intercessory prayers of Our Lady, who once stood at the foot of that very same sacrifice.

But also, we must do good to those who do not do good themselves, even in little things. We should take pains to make their lives easier, more pleasant, happier in little ways. Jesus does not desire the happiness of the unjust in order that they may be converted, but rather their conversion that they may be happy. He thirsts deeply for the complete fulfillment and happiness of every human person. Even at moments when we cannot give a person that which is most valuable, we must give what we can to bring happiness in little ways–just as the Father shines His sun on the just and the unjust alike.

In the first reading, Moses proclaims great blessings to those who follow the commandments of the Lord, and the psalm says the same. Jesus’ new commandment is the Commandment of Love. Blessed are we when we follow it.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to infuse into your heart the gift of charity, a virtue that cannot be learned but rather must be received from God as a gift. Ask Him to fill your heart with the same passion for others’ happiness that fills His own heart.

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