It’s a Shame

Baby Elephant

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

One common theme in today’s readings is courage: Courage, not to be afraid to place the lamp of grace within us on a lampstand; courage to “approach the assembly” (engage with the Church) and not hold back.

The letter to the Hebrews encourages us to trust absolutely in the cleansing power of Christ, and to approach His Church confidently on that basis. In the gospel, Jesus admonishes us not to hide the light we have been given, but put it on a lampstand for the enlightenment of all.

And if we look at our hesitation to follow these teachings, at our fears, we see that their root cause lies precisely with the root cause for Adam and Eve’s rush to cover themselves after the Fall. It is our sin that makes us see our nakedness, our vulnerability; it is sin and sin alone that awakens and feeds the roaring beast that is our insecurities.

This beast is too fierce for us to vanquish on our own. But there is a silver lining to this limitation. We, who experience all to often how we lack the strength to overcome our insecurities, get to witness a miracle all our own, no less potent and wondrous than the miracles of healing that Jesus worked in the Gospel. We get to see Jesus melt our insecurities like wax, when we have a consistent, daily prayer life and vibrant relationship with Him. And if those insecurities return in some form or at some prompting, we get to witness His awesome action to resolve them yet again in our hearts.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Identify as best you can the insecurities you are feeling right now, and lay them at the feet of Jesus. Tell Him that you would gladly suffer them for the rest of your life in gratitude to the sacrifice He has made for you, and as a participation in that sacrifice. Tell Him that you reject the fearful lies that they suggest. And then, trust Him to protect your heart from their threat.

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