All Aboard


This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The whole story arc of Jesus Incarnation, life, Passion, death, and Resurrection is one of descent and abasement to our level, calling to us to join Him, and then return to His glory, bringing us with Him.

This is not something that we become a part of by being friendly, doing our workaday job well, or baking cookies for the church fundraiser.

We do exercise our part, of course, in all of those simple things with love–but the fundamental element is union with God, achieved first of all through the sacraments, and secondly (also very importantly) through daily contemplative prayer.

It’s as though we live underground in New York City; Jesus comes down to get us and arrives where we are on the subway–it’s all about getting on that train. And staying on it. Then suddenly, one day, we’ll find ourselves at the top of One World Trade Center–not because we have earned our way up, but because He has brought us there.

Today’s gospel is full of that story arc, showing us the events surrounding the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. It starts with what might be ascribed to any prophet, or arguably to any charismatic leader: The crowds are astonished at his words. (Of course, Jesus’ words are not just well strung together–they bring with them the impact of the Holy Spirit.)

But then, next frame in the movie, Jesus does something not accessible to the run-of-the-mill orator. He ejects an unclean spirit from a person possessed. No one does this. Only God does this sort of thing. This is God Himself, descended to call us, using His might to clear the path for us to join Him.

Every Christian who truly boards that train, who truly takes advantage of the sacraments and the simply, daily accessible reality of contemplative prayer, can be sure of experiencing the same powerful, encouraging, and purifying aid from the Savior to enable full participation in the destiny He came to bring us.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to come and penetrate your life with the fullness of His power, even though the journey with Him may take you to places you would not choose to go. Ask Him to take over; tell Him your heart is His to lead, unconditionally.

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