

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

There is a humorous contrast of one element of today’s Scripture passages relative to all the rest. It is not the first reading, which speaks of the wonderful effectiveness of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the one eternal High Priest. It is not the psalm, which celebrates the entry of that High Priest into His glory.

It is not the gathering of the crowd in the gospel, clamoring to get close to Jesus, the great healer, who as High Priest saves people even from their physical illnesses.

Rather, it is that last line in the gospel, where Jesus’ relatives try to seize Him because they think He is “out of His mind.”

Have you ever felt misunderstood? Have you seen your good intentions misinterpreted? You are in good company.

The King of Splendor, the great High Priest whose entire human existence was focused on the unmerited salvation of mankind, found himself considered to be nuts, by His own family members.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Jesus’ entire sojourn on earth was continuously filled with the misunderstanding and scorn of lesser hearts and minds. Think of times when you have been misunderstood, or slighted. Offer to Jesus those moments, past, present and future, as part of your overall gift of self to Him. Ask Him to transform you by His saving grace into a person who can contribute through your self-offering to His saving mission.

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