Not Rocket Science


This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Perfect morality is not the key to sanctity. When we focus on perfecting morality alone, we wind up turning everything into a moral judgement and centering on ourselves more than ever.

Basic morality is a prerequisite for sanctity. As Paul says in today’s reading, “The works of the flesh are obvious.” That is, the sins we are to avoid are not rocket science. It doesn’t take a lot of analysis or head-scratching to figure out which they are. Paul helps with a starter list, just in case.

Pride is the greatest enemy of sanctity. That said, we also don’t become saints solely or primarily by working on our humility.

We see Jesus correcting the Pharisees for their pride in today’s Gospel passage. But He doesn’t tell them to be more humble. He accuses them of lacking love for God. He also cites their lack of mercy and love of neighbor: “Woe also to you scholars of the law! You impose on people burdens hard to carry, but you yourselves do not lift one finger to touch them.”

It is, of course, critical for us to avoid sin–those sins, for example, that we mentioned in our last confession. We must avoid impure thoughts and images, drunkenness, and lazy idleness. We must avoid impatience, rudeness, and anger with others.

But the key to coming out of ourselves, falling in love with God, passion for the welfare of neighbor, lies not within ourselves. God is real. He is powerful. He acts in our lives, albeit often imperceptibly. His action is the key.

The key to sanctity is to fall in love with Him and with the welfare of His people by spending time with Him in prayer and in the sacraments. By letting Him transform our hearts into His.

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