Meat Plate

Meat Plate

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

St. John Paul II taught us that the original Covenant between God and the Jewish people has never been revoked. In spite of their on-and-off infidelity in the Old Testament, and the fact that their leaders crucified the Son of God, the original Covenant still stands. He is still their God, and they His people.

Much as we in the Church have a history of on-and-off infidelity, and we with our sins have crucified the Son of God, and yet the New Covenant likewise has never been revoked. God’s fidelity and mercy are endless.

Still, we see God’s Covenant with man broadening before our very eyes in the first reading, as Peter is led by the Spirit to consume unpurified meat with the uncircumcised. St. Peter, the first Vicar of Christ on earth, is led by the Spirit to open God’s Covenant to these uncircumcised. It is the moment when all of us who are not of Jewish ancestry have the door to Christianity and salvation opened to us.

Now, as today’s gospel tells us, we can all enter through the sheep gate that is Jesus, into eternal life. He is the gate. For all of us.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask Jesus to lead you through the gate that is Himself. Tell Him that you trust Him, even though you are an “unwashed” sinner, to wash you in the blood of the Lamb and make the garment of your soul as white as snow.

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