Woman Clothed with the Sun

Our Lady of Guadalupe

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

We see a stark contrast between today’s first reading from Revelation, and today’s gospel.

In the first reading, we see the Queen of Heaven as a portentous, apocalyptic figure, chosen by God as mother to Him who would restore all mankind, and definitively defeat the dragon.

In the Gospel passage, we see her as a simple girl, receiving a heavenly message in very earthy circumstances, with very earthly concerns. We see her, not fully understanding, but obeying.

Yet, the two passages could not be more inextricably linked. The exaltation Mary receives from God as Queen of Heaven flows directly from that moment when, for all time, she expresses her obedience to God, defining herself as His handmaiden.

In fact, we actually can sometimes sense of seed of future glory when we submit ourselves fully in obedience to God. We sense that it is right; that this is what we were made for; that we are giving Him permission to do something amazing and unexpected with us, both for our own lives and for others.

On this feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we recall how in her queenship, Mary had the power to pay a visit here on earth to the humble native peasant St. Juan Diego, in Mexico. And how she has come very powerfully to the aid of the Mexican people great and small for hundreds of years, bringing them over and over again to the grace of her Son.

When we abandon ourselves in the simplest way to trust in Divine Providence and obedience to God, we proportionately acquire the same power for good for souls that Mary has–even if we do not sense it during this pilgrimage in exile in a broken world.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Tell Mary that you would like to be part of her team, in bringing the world back to her Son. Ask her for the faith to understand that the simplest faithful living of your vocation, in self-sacrificing love for others, will work this miracle–not because if your own power, but because of Jesus’ acceptance of your gift as a catalyst for His infinite grace to extend farther. Ask her to protect your “membership” on her team, and to help you to grow in holiness for the sake of others.

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