The One High Priest


This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

The first reading of today adds gravity, solemnity, and context to today’s gospel.

The wondrous letter to the Hebrews beautifully points out Old Testament foreshadowing, preparation, and grounding for Jesus Christ’s role as the one eternal High Priest, that is, the One who offers the definitive sacrifice to the Father in effective, saving atonement for sin.

Today’s reading shows how the Old Testament priest Melchizedek prefigures Jesus. Melchizedek is not of known lineage–he appears to be without beginning–and his priestly order is said to last forever. So, no beginning, no end, symbolic of Jesus’ real eternal High Priesthood. Christ’s role could not be more pivotal, more regal–and it is eternal.

Then, in today’s gospel we consider this eternal High Priest in his real embodiment in flesh, in time. Here is all that time-independent, everlasting priestly greatness found within the confines of time and space, in that finite mode of being which is humanity.

And what is this great High Priest in the flesh doing? He is carrying out His saving priestly ministry; He is bursting through all the stifling artificial limitations created by man, to heal and to save. And as the unloving religious authorities of His day try to stop Him, He glares at them in anger and grieves at their hardness of heart.

This Jesus is so loveable! He is the very embodiment of love and mercy, and He cuts through all the miserable circumstance around us to fill us with His saving grace and effective healing.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Contemplate our great High Priest: All the splendor of eternity, combined “impossibly” but really with all the confines and limitations of our human condition. He lived within the same misery created by original sin that we live in, and showed us the way to remain peaceful within it, and confront it. As you consider the full stature of what He is, ask Him to transform you with His sanctifying grace so that your union with Him will cause a mirroring in your life of His divine-human reality.

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