

This is a reflection on the Mass readings of the day.

Today’s readings are all about repentance.

The message of the first reading is clear: A half-hearted living of the Christian life is the lowest form of nakedness, blindness, and poverty; this form of Christianity is a hell on earth that finds its fulfillment in eternity. We are called to wake up from mediocrity and attachment to worldliness and give our whole hearts to Christ and His people.

Marvelously, this is precisely what Zacchaeus does in the Gospel passage. Joy comes to his house as he reckless divests himself of all his ill-gotten gains and gives to the poor, his heart detached from his worldliness by the encounter with Christ’s merciful grace.

We are called to be causes of Zacchaeus events through our prayer for sinners and our witness of Christian life. And we have a short time to do it. There is no freedom experienced by the human person like the radical freedom experienced by the person liberated from worldly attachments.

Ideas for conversation with the Lord: Ask the Lord to help open your eyes to the opportunities in your life to bring souls closer to Him. Also, resolve with Him to offer all your Masses, prayers, and all the ample sufferings this life provides for the conversion of sinners.

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